Thursday, June 30, 2011

And officially I became a zoo

the little stinker
Today my house officially became a zoo. We have a baby duckling. At first there was 5 now there is one. No I did not kill them. We got a call from my sister in law that her friend had some baby ducks. She had found them under a trailer at their warehouse. After searching for the mom and not being able to find her they shooed the ducklings from under the trailer and they ran straight into the warehouse. once cause she brought them home and called around to rescues. These rescues said and I quote " leave them by a pond and if they die it is the circle of life." Really!!!!! WTF!! So my sis in law called us (apparently my husband has raised one before). When her friend got home 3 of the ducklings had died, when ken picked them up one of them did not look so good. It died within 5 min of being there. so now we are down to one.

After preparing the food and cleaning the container we set it up in the bathroom with a heater (what a headache that was, luckily i remember we had one that has a auto shut off and on when it gets to a certain temp). It (we don't know if it is a boy or girl yet) curled up in the animals and went to sleep. We closed the door turned off the light and went to bed ourselves. This morning Ken went downstairs to get it while I do the morning routine with my zoo. Came back in and he went out side with it. After i was done doing the meds and my own stuff I went outside and it was in the pond. Apparently Ken was picking it up and it jumped and ran to the pond. Not knowing if it has oils yet on its feathers (it might drown if not) it was a scramble to get it out. Then once out it ran under the deck. yes it was a whole 30 min project getting it back into the container. Now it is happy and eating the food with Ken on the deck. Uggghhhh you know at this point I think Kids are easier.

Friday, June 24, 2011

making me laugh

you know some days you just need to laugh. My husband has to have perfect timing with this. So yesterday I was sitting on the couch and he just sat down on the other side of the couch with his dinner and a Cialis commercial came on. Mind you I was not paying attention to the tv but looking at my phone and i hear this click noise and I look up at the hubby. He was making clicking noises and winking at me and asked me if it was the right time. I busted out laughing cause he looked like a fruit cake and he said he was doing it because of the commercial and how stupid it was. He is soooo goofy sometimes and I love him for it and much needed more than he knew :)
Ken acting crazy at the orchard

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Strawberry fields and cheap wine

Well I just got back from taking the kiddos ( not mine, the ones I babysit) to the strawberry patch and we had a blast! There were tons of strawberries and the kids were eating them along the way. the owner personally took us out and showed us a fruit bearing tree that the birds love. I don't remember the name but it looked like tiny cranberries but tasted a whole helluva lot better. They had a lab there as well running all over the place that would also catch strawberries you tossed to her. Apparently she loves strawberries. The price wasn't bad either about $1.75 a pint, they even let us have the baskets! :)
alex picking strawberries
my basket of strawberries
olvia picking strawberries


strawberries 2
Tony and Olivia looking at ladybugs and strawberries
can't wait eating em in the car

On other notes, I took a PG test this morning and it was negative. a little disappointed with that, was kind of hoping I didn't have to go back to the fertility office to tell them hey I don't have the money now to do the procedure since the hubby doesn't have the morning job anymore. The only thing is still don't have a period, damn PCOS! I go through 4 months of hellish periods to nothing, ugh.

Big weekend coming up, got to make brownies tomorrow for the "picnic" at dad's house on Saturday and Sunday is yard work. Busy Busy Busy!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sox win and I am getting closer to my pedicure

Well today was a better day, Kens just started back on his night schedule and it goes to the airport so it won't be just 4 hrs, Yay! so hoping this will be a start to the good path. Other than that things are busy, this weekend we will be at my parents house for our Picnic fathers day celebration. It should be a fun day, i will be bringing brownie sundaes! Yum!! well I need to go to bed, so updates later! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Things you do on a humid rainy day

So lets say i am crazy,  I know I know I am but we dont let too many people in on that secret, what would you decide to to on a humid on and off rainy day? Stay in... watch a movie...sleep.... noooooo my husband who came home cause they didnt need him at work decided to say lets go to the place that sells the stone and see what they have.....ok (it wasn't raining then).

So we go to the rock place, it was good till he was trying to be cheap (my husband that is) once we got home, here comes the rain. So who do you think unloaded this rock?? yeup me and him with him complaining. really I am doing this too! Then we have to place the brick more complaining, jesus what did you think was going to happen.This is what happens when you decide to do a project and do it right. I was just so glad I had to go babysit, gives me a break from killing him. Untill tonight that is when his team plays my team in MLB. GOOO White Sox!!!