Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Something delicious this way comes...

So I have been craving something different for the last 2 days and of course I am completely broke. I decided well I have have a lot of ingredients at home why not bake??? Hmmmmm great Idea but what do we make?? A cake?.... Cookies?.... Brownies??....  nothing sounded good to me until I had a great idea why not combine the cookie and brownie?? now it was on the hunt for the recipe.

Of course I started with Pinterest, I have to have this pinned to one of my boards right??? nope so it is on the the next.. the Internet. Well that was a big fail there because all the recipes called for box mixes and well with being broke that was a negative. So I thought about it.... hmmm I say what about making it from scratch and improvising?? Why not right??? Now i have my mission!

I went to my trusty dusty cook book... The Joy of Cooking. Oh how I love this book! If you do not have one i highly recommend it for all levels of cooking. I chose the Brownies Cockaigne and the Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Once I had both of these whipped up I decided to make them into cupcakes for easier eating. I decided to do the brownie batter on the bottom unlike some of the recipes i saw calling for the cookie on the bottom.

Next I added the cookie dough......

Bake at 350 for 25-30 min. Let cool in pan for 10 min and then cool the rest of the way on a wired rack

Look at this yummy goodness! it was perfect and smelled amazing!!!

If there are any questions please let me know. I am happy to help!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

1st review- Groupon Deal massage

Well I am new to the whole Groupon thing, yes I have live under a rock, and really decided to look at what they have for my area. while browsing I saw that they had a deal for a custom massage for $45. I have been wanting a massage for awhile now and thought this might be a great thing if I can get it done today. I called Beauty Essentials Day Spa to inquire about the groupon coupon and was wondering if I would be able to get an appointment today. I let her know that I was only interested in appointments today. She was very helpful and said that she could fit me in at 12:45pm. being that I called at 11:20am I was like Score! I purchased the coupon directly through her (not typical) and raced on over there.

I ended up being late because the traffic was horrid (accidents) and was really tense. When I walked in I was pleasantly greeted and was asked to fill out the questionnaire. If you have never had a massage before you have to fill one out at your first time visiting a location. I filled mine out and within 2 minutes the massage therapist came and got me. She was very pleasant, informed me on the place, asked me to undress to my comfort level and then left the room so I could. When she came back she had explained my my massage entailed.

The Custom massage is a 60 minute massage that incorporates hot towels and hot stones. She had asked if I had ever had a hot stone massage before and I informed her I had. She explained that she would always test the stone first on her skin to make sure that it was not super hot. These stones can get blazing a seriously burn you if not done properly. She proceeded to do the massage and oh my god i was in heaven. I wish I could remember her name cause I wanted to take her home with me!!! She was truly amazing and was in the top 2 of best massages I had ever had. If you are in the Savannah area I definitely suggest to got to the Beauty Essential Day Spa!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Havent been here for awhile,

So I haven't been on for awhile. I have been trying to decide what I am going to do with this page since my life decided to do a complete u turn on me. Now since I am kind of settled I think I am going to start blogging about food, my adventures in the new life and maybe some reviews on products, TV shows, etc. this should be interesting.