Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekend overview!

So lets start out by saying my niece is here! Londyn Skye was born on July 15th by c-section. She is cute and I think looks like me :) Sad to say the Kowalski genes are strong, herre are 2 pics of her just about a day old.

Aint She adorable. Yeup my nose and my lips :)

On to other things, trying to get the motivation to do my homework and really it is not happening especially when I am at my inlaws playing video games :) well have to get back to defending my properties!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Today is the last day for watching the kids before they go on vacation!! So excited and yet dreading what I have to accomplish in the next 5 days. I need to fight this laziness when I get home after watching them. I just sit on the couch and veg. Now I know I am combating the monthly friend, 4 months in a row this is a record, but it is still no excuse. I have quite a bit of little things to do that a boring and irritating. I guess I am just going to have to suck it up.

Other news today, my niece will be born today! Sucks that she is in Georgia, lets hope and pray everything goes well! well back to more doing nothing!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

our first bee sting

talk about getting scared the hell out of ya! Alex got stung twice in the back of the neck today. Immediately nurse kris kicks in , I go for ice, no ice. Power just came back on at the kids house today so they have nothing. I make sure no stingers are left, he is balling up a stormy. I got a cold compress so we can combat swelling and call his mom. She has no clue if they have benydril (what??) I found some childrens tylenol, gave him that. Searched thru cabinets no benydril. :( looked up more treatment types said not to give it cause it can mask symptoms so glad we dont have it. So far it is 2 little swollen marks like a vampire bite on his neck. This enough to give me a heart attack. What ever happened to shit aint supposed to happen on my watch.

I feel like sometimes they will get mad and not want me to watch the kids any more. I hope that doesnt happen. I enjoy my days here even though they are kookie. I am sure it is just nerves talking, so now I am getting off and going to check him once more to make sure he is good.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Playing catch up

So a lot has been going on the last week or so. We have been revamping the house because it needs to be done and also we are having a party on my birthday, just a little one. I just finally unpacked all my books, took up more space then I thought so I had to get into some of my decor bookcases. I got the craft room turned into a play/computer room. Still working on that though because I have tooo much craft crap, but at least all the legos are upstairs now! I honestly think I am almost finished unpacking, lol! over 3 years in this house and I have like 5 boxes left (this is not counting the holiday decorations). with all of this trying to juggle homework, cleaning, family and babysitting, I am tired!! Maybe it is also because I am cramming this together before our trip too!

Yes I said trip, it looks like we are going to Washington D.C. after all. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited, even though it is going to be short. we are leaving Wednesday night and driving to get there thursday. Since our tour is on friday we are going to do some sight seeing. After our tour on Friday we will check out of the hotel and drive home. (we are bringing the bubba with us, other 2 are staying home) So on Saturday when we get home I will be having my party. Yes I am nuts but I will be hyper on something to keep awake!!! well enough of the catch up time to make some lunch and get back to work!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

No More Lizards and Really depressed

I have been EXTREMELY busy the last few days. We got the lizard room painted and it is officially a guest bedroom. I am putting together the bed tonight and going to see what I have for decor so I can start hanging stuff up. It isn't perfect but it works for me!!

As for the depressed part, everything was fine today until I got the mail. I got a letter from my state rep. I was like well it might be telling me that we didn't get selected for the white house tour, which it would be fine since we aren't going to D.C. now. So I open the letter and guess what, we got selected to go to the white house, literally less that 6% of the people that request tickets get selected and I am the lucky one. i feel like crying. It is the one thing that I wanted to do with Ken. He has never been to D.C. I was stationed there for about 2 yrs. I miss the east coast I wanted him to see it in person not just in the movies and now we aren't going. I am trying to figure out if we can still do it being that I would need to be back before my party started on the 23rd. It would be a quick turn around but really when am I ever going to get the chance to do this again? I hope he switches his days off. I might be able to pay for the room and way there (26hrs round trip with 2 people and 3 dogs fun) but he will have to pay for everything else. hmmmm mind is a brewing, this could be trouble.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Good Deeds and Weekends!

Well I found a permanent home for the baby duck. Even though I wanted to take care of it soo back, I found out it is a little illegal to keep baby mallard ducks soo my hunt for a rehabber began. luckily it was a short one, I found a rehabber that specializes in water birds and she lives 10 min from me! Little duckie has 2 adopted siblings now and is being properly taken care of. I was sad though because I had to take it all by myself, Ken was at work. :(

Other notes and a very good one, My roommate moved out as of yesterday! we are officially empty, NO more people living with up unless they are children that legally belong to me! Now we start painting and decorating tomorrow I am sooo excited! well I have to get back to my game with the nephew, hubby and FIL. :)